This page displays pictures of the chalet recently built, a few pictures from the venue as well as some videos. You will also find miscellaneous pictures related to the lake as well as sky views of the lake and a site map. A short explanatory text can be displayed simply by positioning the mouse cursor on each picture. To enlarge pictures, simply click on them.
This video has been shot in May 2017 and shows the Aquadev site and its environment (use the 720p HD mode of YouTube in full screen mode to fully enjoy the view...).
Images and video production: Philippe D.
Cette vidéo montre le site Aquadev. Rapelez vous que le site n'est disponible qu'en location exclusive et imaginez ensuite une session de pêche de plusieurs jours sur cet étang...
Video production: Julien Paquin
The picture below shows a sky view of the lake with some remarkable points.
A chalet has been recently built of the shore of the lake near the main fishing spot. A pontoon is now available to access the small island and it is now possible to fish more easily on the whole lake. Furthermore, a weighting setup has been built near the chalet.
As shown on the pictures below, the lake is surrounded by trees in a very quiet and completely tranquil setting. Far from towns and villages, it provides visitors with a dark and starry sky at night. Great for watching the Moon , you can also admire the Milky Way.
Some sky views of the make have been taken recently.
And some picture taken from a drone in May 2017.
Author: Philippe Deverchère - Last Update: June 3, 2017 |
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